Louttre B
Louttre B
Born in 1926, in Paris, France.
Died in 2012, in Paris, France.
Louttre.B is a painter and printmaker whose honed technique combines personal engravings with a varied color palette, working often in a larger scale. Louttre.B's paintings follow the same ethos present in Abstract Art in their attempts to capture the bare essential with simplified forms and warm and vivid colors. His œuvres express a sentiment of fullness that gives us, the viewer, a glimpse into to the eternal nature of the world.
Awards & Decorations
1971 Lauréat de la Biennale de l’estampe, Épinal
1967 Lauréat de la Triennale de Grenchen
1967 Lauréat de la cinquième Biennale de gravure de Tōkyō - prix O’Hara
1965 Lauréat du prix des Onze, Paris
1961 Lauréat de la deuxième Biennale de Paris
Public collections
Mobilier national, Paris
Bibliothèque nationale, Paris
Musée d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris
Musée national d’art moderne, Centre Georges-Pompidou, Paris
Musée national d’histoire et d’art, Luxembourg
Musée de l’Évêché, Évreux
Musée des Beaux-Arts, Bordeaux
Musée des Beaux-Arts, Rouen
Musée des Beaux-Arts - l’Échevinage, Saintes
Musée de Gajac, Villeneuve-sur-Lot (dépositaire de l’œuvre gravé de Louttre.B, 1963-1983)
Musée Despiau-Wlérick, Mont-de-Marsan
Victoria and Albert Museum, Londres
Musée des Beaux-Arts, Caen
Musée municipal de l’Évêché, Limoges
Musée de Peinture et de Sculpture, Grenoble
LAAC, Dunkerque
Taylor Institute et Ashmolean Museum, Oxford, Grande-Bretagne
Centre d’art contemporain Raymond Farbos, Mont-de-Marsan
Musée de Sens (dépositaire de l’œuvre gravé de Louttre.B, 1984-2006)
Musée Henri Martin, Cahors
Monumental works
Plafond peint, chapelle du Castel, Valence-d’Agen, 2005
LP Étienne-Jules Marey, Boulogne, 1991
Villa Dominique, Boissiérettes (Lot), 1990
Mosaïque (marbre et galets, 60 m2), commande de la Compagnie La Hénin, Monaco, 1985
Girouettes (bois et fer), Boissiérettes, 1978
Pyramide et Forum, avec Louis Nallard, ENNA, Nantes, 1977
Mur et Forum, Carhaix, 1976
Mosaïque (briques et galets), école de Meux, Compiègne, 1976
Jardin de pierres dressées, Boissiérettes, 1976
Mosaïque (pâte de verre, 50 m2), hôpital militaire de Pourvourville, Toulouse, 1976
La Regue verte (bois brûlé, 2 x 3 m), Arcachon, 1976
Sculpture en éléments (ciment taillé), Treignac, 1975
Sculpture à escalader (ciment polychrome), Bassens, 1973
8 sculptures et un jardin de pierres, lycée technique des Terres-Rouges, Cahors, 1972
Sculptures et jardin, lycée Jean Lurçat, Ris-Orangis, 1972
Pendule en porcelaine et médaillons, Manufacture nationale de Sèvres, 1972
L’Enseigne de l’amour (bas-relief en grès, 1,94 x 2,96 m), Manufacture nationale de Sèvres, 1971
Les Admirateurs de l’heure, ensemble de 6 sculptures en ciment taillé, Boissiérettes, 1971
Fontaine (grès), Manufacture nationale de Sèvres, installée au parc floral de Vincennes, 1968
Bas-relief (béton et galets, 175 m2) et 8 sculptures (ciment taillé) incluses dans le mur d’enceinte du lycée de Gourdon (Lot), 1968
Sculpture (ciment coulé et peint, hauteur 5 m), Soulac-sur-Mer, 1968
Sculptures (ciment taillé) et sol, faculté des lettres, Bordeaux-Pessac, 1967
Carton de tapisserie pour la manufacture de Beauvais, 1967
Ensemble de 12 sculptures monumentales (ciment taillé teinté), Boissiérettes, 1966
Sculpture (ciment taillé), lycée de Cajarc (Lot), 1966
Renaissance d’une chapelle (mosaïque de galets, autel de béton, vitraux, chemin de croix, plafond peint, broderie murale), église Saint-Pierre de Boissiérettes, 1965
Composition, carton de tapisserie pour la Manufacture nationale des Gobelins, Paris, 1964
Cartons de tapisserie pour Tamara Moulinier et Plasse Le Caisne, 1964
Vitraux à Marignier et Annemasse (église Saint-Joseph), 1961
Carton de tapisserie pour l’Atelier Plasse Le Caisne, 1955
What strikes immediately about Louttre.B's paintings is the strength of their obviousness, their immediacy, and the pleasure they express. Louttre.B does not paint on the basis of any concept, project, or convention of or about the act of painting or the painting itself. He paints from within the painting. As if this medium were, for him, a mode of expressing the condition of being in the world as natural as speech can be–an act as simple as walking. Naturally bilingual (in speech and painting), he does not feel the need to justify what he does, much less justify it to himself, within his work. Bissière used to say: I paint as the apple tree gives apples. Louttre.B, in this sense, was born an apple tree. This is the reason for the ease that we notice in his occupation of the space of the canvas and in his arrangement of colors. Performing and playing with references to different genres of painting (landscapes or still lifes, for example), or recurring problematics (background/motif or figure; surface/depth; frame...) as an exercise of the medium; juxtaposing them in a daring mosaic of planes and ranges of color in a confounding harmony. But this ease is only in appearance. Louttre.B chisels his painting like a writer polishes his sentences. The constructions are, in fact, scholarly and the juxtaposition and treatment of colors, which pass like a letter in the mail, are actually quite audacious. It has been written many times that his paintings are rooted in the landscapes of his native Quercy. There is little chance however that the sky of Quercy is red or yellow like straw and that the grounds are blue like the sea–if there are skies and grounds in his work at all. The reference of these ‘landscapes’ are rather interior. Not even landscapes from elsewhere that exist primarily in the form of a faded memory, but rather the expression of a poem, of the sensitive and emotional. The figures–silhouettes of trees or flowers, a few features that outline a house, the possible roundness of an apple or the oval of a lemon, the curve of a hill–borrow from primitive forms which in turn conceptualizes them. Their purpose is not to be evocative of meaning or to establish a mediated relation to reality. These are stimuli that come from inside the painting, from which they borrow codes: facilitators of emotions, carriers of imaginations. In reality, these forms are, above all, pretexts and frameworks onto which the plays of colors cling. Which, when you think about it, now more than ever, is the real reason for painting. Painting is, first of all, the resonance of color which activate and vibrate the viewer’s emotions. The figures merely act a bridge, amplifying what the viewer immediately experiences by offering the possibility of enriching their feelings with personal references–like Proust’s madeleine. A form to capture the gaze, which reassures the viewer and frees them from the burden of understanding. Since there is nothing to understand; rather simply to see beyond the gaze. It is also a way for the artists to contain the exuberance of his painting, of hanging it up on the branches, so as not to let it play its game alone. A restraint, a modesty, heirs to a long tradition, which tries to preserve the expression of the sensitive, the freedom of form, the risks of emphasis. In which Louttre.B participates through his project of harmony and exchange.
In Louttre.B’s mind, the painter is a mediator. He chose to express the astonishment of living. His work evokes the surprise one feels when experiencing the hunger and happiness of ‘being’, which he conveys through his own joy of ‘doing’. But this happiness is not easy for the artist–he knows it. In the painting, gazes intersect: the uncertain, waiting gaze of the viewer, with that of the painter looking at him from the inside. With this promise made, for a hypothetical meeting, which is always postponed, the artist puts himself in play. He takes a risk commensurate with what he has invested. It is a dangerous game insofar as he who gives throws his word to the wind as does the tree when it releases its pollen, as the fish spreads its seed in the sea. However, for the artist who sows, without knowing who will receive his offering and how, awaits a necessary return. And what he also knows is this: that this meeting will only be partial and mediate. That it will never be a dialogue.
The play on words in the titles act as a screen. They proclaim, conversely, that there is no such thing as innocent painting, just as there are never words that mean nothing. All words and all paintings are an act of seizure, an affirmation of being there, at a time when the exchange can succeed or fail. That the painting is a stake. That it can be the place and the opportunity for misunderstanding. It is the gravity of such a moment of postponed encounter–where what he has posed cannot be repeated–that Louttre.B tries to defuse, by a pirouette, by resorting to the irony of words, using the title to evacuate the subject and place it elsewhere. He does this as a means of allowing the viewer the full enjoyment of their feelings. This gravity which underlies his painting is the reason for this aforementioned restraint. The jubilation expressed does not avoid obvious nostalgia. What are the reasons for painting today when other more technological media have been developed? If not to express otherwise unspeakable emotions, to build impossible imaginations, by exploiting the extraordinary flexibility of a medium which completely physically implicates the artists in a way other materials can’t. The sincerity resulting from this embedded commitment elicits empathy, while the materiality of the painting imposes its presence. It is in this exchange that we find the essential condition of Louttre.B’s work. When it is materially completed and the artist has distanced himself, this is what the work expresses to those who recognize themselves in it.
Jean-Paul Blanchet
Louttre.B, Lyon
December 14, 2023 - February 07, 2024
Louttre. B, Paris
April 05 - May 26, 2012
Louttre.B, Paris
December 17, 2009 - January 30, 2010
Le jour avant le bonheur - retrospective, Musée des Beaux Arts de Limoges, Limoges
L’Insolente nécessité de la peinture, musée Henri-Martin, Cahors (catalog)
Galerie Bernard Ceysson, Paris, France
Espace Paragon, Luxembourg
Les Hautes Terres, galerie Bernard Ceysson, Paris, France
À chacun sa campagne, galerie Anne-Marie Marquette - Le Troisième Œil, Paris, France
Galerie Ariel, Paris (for the release of the book Louttre.B by Anne Malherbe, Éditions Ides et Calendes, Switzerland)
Un coup de rouge, galerie Martine Namy-Caulier, Paris (prints), France
Musée de Gajac, Villeneuve-sur-Lot (catalog)
Le rouge est mis, galerie Anne-Marie Marquette - Le Troisième Œil, Bordeaux, France
Naturellement, galerie Anne-Marie Marquette - Le Troisième Œil, Paris, France
La Grange et le musée de l’Imprimerie, Ussel, France
Galerie La Daurade, Toulouse, France
Galerie Heimeshoff, Essen, Germany
Galerie Martine Namy-Caulier, Paris (prints), France
Palais synodal - musées de Sens (catalog)
Les Licornes sont de retour, galerie Anne-Marie Marquette - Le Troisième œil, Bordeaux, France
Les Bois gravés, moulin de Blanchardeau, Lanvollon
Les Blondes d’Aquitaine, galerie Martine Namy-Caulier, Paris
Salle d’Armes, Pont-de-l’Arche
Mes campagnes de l’an II, galerie Anne-Marie Marquette - Le Troisième Œil, Paris and Bordeaux, France
Galerie Planque, Lausanne, Switzerland
Galerie Martine Namy-Caulier, Paris (prints), France
Université Le Mirail, Toulouse, France
MJC Saint-Cyprien Roguet, Toulouse, France
Galerie Kutter, Luxembourg, France
Cool Heure, galerie Anne-Marie Marquette - Le Troisième Œil, Paris, France
Galerie Kutter, Luxembourg (catalog)
Sable Show, galerie Anne-Marie Marquette - Le Troisième Œil, Bordeaux, France
Galerie Heimeshoff, Essen, Germany
Musée du Périgord, centre culturel de la Visitation, et bibliothèque municipale, Périgueux (catalog), France
Galerie Numaga-Auvernier, Neuchâtel, Switzerland Galerie Le Troisième Œil, Paris, France
Galerie A. Biren, Paris, France
La Compagnie des arts, Cahors, France
Grenier du Chapitre, Cahors (prints), France
Musée Zadkine, Les Arques (sculptures), France
Louttre.B 1986-1996, maison des arts Georges Pompidou, Cajarc (catalog), France
Les Quatre Saisons, galerie Le Troisième Œil, Paris, France
Galerie La Nouvelle Gravure, Paris (prints), France
Galerie Kutter, Luxembourg (catalog)
Galerie Le Troisième Œil, Bordeaux, France
Galerie Arts Affaires, Boulogne, France
Galerie Heimeshoff, Essen, Germany
Herzogenrath, Aix-la-Chapelle, Germany
Centre d’art contemporain, Mont-de-Marsan (catalog), France
Château de Cadillac, Cadillac-sur-Garonne, France
Galerie Le Troisième Œil, Bordeaux, France
Galerie Paul Vallotton, Lausanne, Switzerland (catalog)
Vico Art 90, Florence, Italy
SAGA, Paris, France
Galerie Aeblegaarden, Holte, Denmark (catalog)
Galerie Protée, Toulouse, France
Galerie Martin L. de Boer, Amsterdam
Galerie Borzo, Bois-le-Duc, Netherlands (catalog)
Galerie Kutter, Luxembourg (catalogue)
Galerie Le Troisième Œil, Bordeaux, France
Galerie Manus Presse, Stuttgart, Germany
Galerie Gastaud, Clermont-Ferrand, France
FIAC, One-Man show, galerie Fabien Boulakia, Paris, France
Galerie Aeblegaarden, Holte, Denmark
Galerie Fabien Boulakia, Paris (catalog), France
Galerie Heimeshoff, Essen, Germany
Galerie Le Troisième Œil, Bordeaux, France
Galerie Wölfer, Berlin, Germnay
Galerie Kutter, Luxembourg
Galerie Ketz, Francfort, Germany Galerie Septentrion, Marcq-en-Bareuil
Galerie Martin, Miami, USA École des beaux-arts, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Abbaye Saint-André - centre d’art contemporain, Meymac (catalog), France
Galerie Fabien Boulakia, Paris (catalogue « 20 ans de gravure 1963-1983 - l’oeuvre gravé »), France
Galerie Ducastel, Avignon, France
Galerie Martin L. de Boer, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Galerie Protée, Toulouse, France
Galerie Elitzer, Saarbrück, Germany
Galerie Le Troisième Œil, Bordeaux, France
Galerie Fabien Boulakia, Paris (catalog), France
Museum Münchehaus, Goslar
Galerie Heimeshoff, Essen (catalog), Germany
Galerie Kutter, Luxembourg
Galerie Glemminge, Glemmingebro, Sweden (catalog)
Galerie Heimeshoff, Essen, Germany
Galerie Le Troisième Œil, Bordeaux, France
Galerie Fabien Boulakia, Paris, France
Hôtel d’Escoville, Caen, France
Galerie Bleue, Grenoble, France
Coulheures, galerie Fabien Boulakia, Paris (catalog), France
Galerie Kutter, Luxembourg
Galerie 410, New York, USA
Galerie Planque, Lausanne, France
Musée Gaston Rupin, Villeneuve-sur-Lot, France
Galerie Alain Digard, Paris (catalog), France
Galerie Martin L. de Boer, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Musée de Rodez
Galerie Claudine Planque, Lausanne, France
Musée des Beaux-Arts, Agen, France
Galerie Heimeshoff, Essen, Germany
Galerie La Huguerie, Bordeaux, France
Musée Charles Despiau et Wlerick, France
Galerie Eupalinos, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Galerie Schindler, Berne, Switzerland
Galerie du Tremblay, Fontenoy, France
Galerie Protée, Toulouse, France
Galerie La Gravure, Lausanne, France
Galerie Art Global, São Paulo, Brasil
Musée de l’Évêché, Évreux (catalog), France
Musée municipal, Limoges (catalog), France
Galerie municipale, Luxembourg
Galerie 32, Lyon, France
U.A.P., Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray, France
Galerie de l’Auditorium, Brussels
Galerie Régence, Brussels
Galerie Jeanne Bucher, Paris (catalog), France
Galerie Bongers, Paris, France
Galerie du Fleuve, Bordeaux, France
Galerie L’Angle aigu, Brussels Galerie Ariane, Göteborg
Musée Henri Martin, Cahors, France
Galerie municipale, Luxembourg
Galerie Numaga, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Galerie Géo Michel, Brussels Galerie du Fleuve, Bordeaux, France
Galerie La Nouvelle Gravure, Paris (prints), France
Galerie Chimène, Saint-Étienne, France
Galerie Boissière, Paris, France
Galerie Synthèse, Paris , France
Galerie Paul Brück, Luxembourg
Gallery of Graphic Art, New York, USA
Galerie 14, Copenhague, Denmark
Galerie Schmücking, Brunschwig
Galerie Beyeler, Bâle, Switzerland
Galerie Jeanne Bucher, Paris (catalog), France
Galerie Bettie Thommen, Bâle, Switzerland
Galerie La Nouvelle Gravure, Paris (prints), France
Contrat avec la galerie Pierre Loeb et la galerie Jeanne Bucher, Paris, France
Galerie Nina Dausset, Paris, France
Galerie John Craven, Paris, France
Group shows (selection)
Les Années fertiles, galerie Bernard Ceysson, Luxembourg
Château de Ratilly (catalog)
Abstraction pensive, musée de Gajac, Villeneuve-sur-Lot (catalog)
La peinture est-elle toujours aimable ?, maison des arts, Anthony (catalog)
La Donation Pollak : 50 ans de peinture en France, une galerie, une collection, musée Henri-Martin, Cahors ; musée Zadkine, Les Arques ; musée Rignault, Saint-Cirq-Lapopie
Donation Jeunet, musée d’Art et d’Histoire, Neuchâtel
La Nouvelle École de Paris 1941-1965, abbaye de Beaulieu - centre d’art contemporain, Ginals
Les Rencontres d’art, musée Ingres, Montauban (catalog)
Les Rencontres d’art, musée Ingres, Montauban
Artexpo, New York (catalog)
Le trait, Cité internationales des arts, Paris (catalog)
Dans la lumière de Poussin, Hôtel de Ville, Les Andelys
La gravure en France de 1945 à nos jours, Musée des beaux-arts et d’archéologie, Libourne
Les rencontres d’art, Musée Ingre, Montauban
Artistes et Photographes : un point, deux vues, Musée Ingre, Montauban
9ème Salon d’art contemporain, Bourg-en-Bresse
Le musée miniature, Pixie et Cie, Paris
Foire d’art contemporain, stand galerie Protée, Toulouse
Museo Nacional de la Estampa, Mexico, Mexique
2ème Biennale internationale de grafica Vico Arte 90, Florence
1789-1989, le témoignage de la peinture, Espace d’art contemporain, Les Halles d’Avranches et Musée du Vieux Biterrois, Bézier (catalog)
Salon international de la gravure, Musée Arthur Taire, Niort
Le Trait, Cité internationale des arts, Paris
150ème anniversaire de Claude Monet, Argenteuil
1ère Triennale de l’estampe petit format, Chamalière, lauréat
Panorama de l’Ecole française contemporaine, institut français de Tel-Aviv
Réalité-irréalité, Musée Ingres, Montauban, et Musée des Beaux-Arts, Pau
Visions estampes contemporaines, Musée du Québec
Musée du dessin et de l’estampe, Gravelines
La gravure en relief, Château de Tours et Musée-Château d’Annecy
Art Fair, stand galerie Fabien Boulakia, Chicago
8ème Triennale internationale de gravure, Frechen, Germany Pour une autre gravure : Boni - Dorny - Louttre.B - Piza, Centre culturel de Compiègne et de Beauvais
Les rencontres d’art, les non-figuratifs du midi autour d’Atlan, Musée Ingres, Montauban
Tapisseries modernes, Château de Biron, Lot-et-Garonnes
Autour de Hans Seiler, Le temps de voir, Maillot
Press Papier 84, Estampe du Rhin, Strasbourg
Sur invitation, Musée des arts décoratifs, Paris
Centre d’animation culturelle de Compiègne et du Valois
Le livre d’art, Les Grandes Heures de Saint-Emilion, Saint-Emilion
FIAC, stand galerie La Pochade, Paris
2ème Biennale de la gravure européenne, Baden-Baden
European Contemporary Painting, Tokyo
Le défi de la peinture : 1950-1980, Galerie H.Odermatt et A.Parinaud, Espace Pierre-Cardin, Paris
Peintres Graveurs, bibliothèque nationale, Paris
FIAC, stand galerie Fabien Boulakia, Paris
Les métiers de l’art, Musée des arts décoratifs, Paris For group exhibitions before 1980, please refer to the book Louttre.B, Neuchâtel, Éditions Ides et Calendes, 2006.
Louttre.B, text by Bernard Ceysson, IAC Editions and Musée Henri Martin, Cahors, France.
Louttre.B, L'Œuvre gravé 1984-2006, "Homme de bois, homme de pierre, homme debout", text by Alin Avila, "La donation de gravures aux Musées de Sens", text by Lydwine Saulnier-Pernuit, "La gravure, au bon plaisir de Louttre.B", text by Gérard Sourd, "La matière d'abord", text by Baptiste-Marrey, co-edited by AREA and Musées de Sens.
Louttre.B, "La Liberté de la peinture", text by Anne Malherbe, published by Ides et Calendes, Neuchâtel.
Louttre.B, text by Anne Malherbe, Editions Ides et Calendes, Neuchâtel, Switzerland.
Louttre.B, exhibition catalog, Musée Gajac, Villeneuve-sur-Lot, text by Valère Bertrand, Lydia Harambourg.
Louttre.B, catalog of the Retrospective, Musée de Sens, text by Baptiste-Marrey, Michel-Georges Bernard, Bernard Ethuin-Coffinet, Paul Pavlowitch.
Louttre.B, catalog of the exhibition at the museum, Centre Culturel de la Visitation and Bibliothèque de Périgueux, text by Véronique Merlin-Anglade.
Louttre.B, peintures, gravures, sculptures, 1985-199, Catalog of the exhibition at Centre d'Art Contemporain Georges Pompidou, Cajarc, Musée Zadkine, Les Arques and Grenier du Chapitre, Cahors (Lot).
Louttre.B, "Éloge du quotidien", text by Philippe Piguet.
Louttre, la peinture n'est pas une issue, interview between Louttre and his son Martin Bissière, painter, 54 pages, 21 color photos, bibliography and list of exhibitions.
Louttre B., Portrait en douze esquisses par Baptiste-Marrey et Réponses à Baptiste de Louttre.B, Editions Le Castor Astral/Centre Régional des Lettres d'Aquitaine, Bordeaux.
Louttre. B, catalog of the exhibition at the Centre d'Art Contemporain de Mont-de-Marsan.
Louttre. B entre la proie et l'ombre, text by Gérard-Georges Lemaire.
Louttre.B, Paul Vallotton Gallery, Lausanne, foreword by Lucien Curzi.
Louttre.B, Aeblegaarden Gallery, Holte, Denmark, foreword by Palle Schmidt.
Louttre.B, Galerie Martin L. De Boer and Galerie Borzo, Amsterdam, foreword by Frans Duister.
Louttre.B, "Chronique aux bords du visible" by Michel-Georges Bernard in Cimaise n° 188 June, July, August.
M.A. Louttre-Bissière, catalog of the exhibition at Heimeshoff Gallery, Jochen Krüper, Essen.
L'Œuvre gravé 1960-1983, catalog raisonné of engravings. Artist, Engraver and Engraver, Painter, text by Bruno Foucart, published by Fernand Hazan, Paris, France.
Louttre.B, exhibition catalog, Abbaye Saint André - Centre d'art contemporain, Meymac, text by Jean-Paul Blanchet.
Louttre B., catalog of the exhibition at Heimeshoff Gallery, Essen, then at Mönchehaus-Museum für moderne Kunst, Goslar (All.)
Le paysage de Louttre, text by Dora Vallier (German/French).
Louttre B. par d'autres... in Cimaise n° 151, Paris.
Louttre.B Coulheures, peinture 1977 à 1979, catalog of the Fabien Boulakia gallery exhibition, text by François Mathey.
Louttre.B, brochure for the exhibition at Alain Digard Gallery, Paris, France.
Louttre B., engravings, exhibition catalog at Musée Gaston Rapin and Tour de Paris, Villeneuve-sur-Lot, France.
Louttre.B, L’oeuvre gravé 1963-1983, Musée de Gajac, Villeneuve-sur-lot, text by Francette Woimant.
Six artistes, French participation in the XII th Sao-Paulo Biennial, exhibition catalog, text by Louttre B.
Louttre.B, exhibition catalog, Musée d'Evreux, text by Pierre-Jean Deschenes.
Louttre.B, exhibition catalog, Musée municipal, Limoges, text by Serge Gauthier.
Louttre/Fiorini gravures pour le mur, exhibition catalog, Jeanne-Bucher Gallery, texts by Gaëtan Picon, Louttre and Fiorini.
Louttre, catalog of the exhibition at Galerie Jeanne-Bucher, Paris, text by Jacques Lassaigne.
Louttre.B, Jeanne Bûcher Gallery, Paris, foreword by Jacques Lassaigne.
Artist's Books
Le Bogjo’s Bohmp, text by Walter Lewino, edition of 30 copies, edited by the artist.
Pauvre Gaspard - Paul Verlaine, Edition of 25 copies, edited by the artist.
Les Très Riches Heures, Edition of 90 copies, edited by the artist.
Lettre de Beauce, poems by Marianne Auricoste, 1 engraving by Louttre.B.
Les Douze Emois, 90 copies, distributed by Fabien Boulakia gallery.
Le Tarot des Familles, Edition of 75 copies, edited by the artist. Published as playing cards by France Cartes Ets Simon and the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, distributed by the Musée des Arts Décoratifs in Paris, France.
Cinq à sexe, Dorny, Fiorini, Piza, Boni and Louttre.B, 100 copies, edited by the authors.
Cinq pour un Menu, Dorny, Fiorini, Piza, Boni and Louttre.B, 100 copies, edited by the authors.
Le Néon de la vie, engraved on wood, intaglio print, edition of 58, Editions Alexandre Loewy, Paris, France.
Limonaire de la Belle Amour, Guy Chambelland, 2 engravings by Louttre.B.
Portraits de famille, Annie and Paul Pavlowitch.
Louttre.B par Eymeric Bernard, Bordeaux, France.
Jacques Betillon, FR3 Pôle Sud, Toulouse, France.
Portrait d’artiste, Lilian Thorn, TV Luxembourg, Luxembourg.
Pont des Arts, Michel Chapuis, France Culture.
Louttre.b entre père et terre, Patrick Cazal and Christian Marc, FR3 Midi-Pyrénées.
Pont des Arts, Michel Chapuis, France Culture.
Entrons dans l’espace de …Louttre.B, Youri, FR3.
Jacques Duchamp, ORTF Toulouse, France.
Transfigurations Musicales, André Almuro, France Culture.