February 07 - March 14, 2015



February 07 - March 14, 2015

 Noël Dolla has dedicated much of his work since 1969 to questioning the limits of painting as they are defined by historical and social factors. His drying racks presenting colored textile such as handkerchiefs, swabbing clothes and tea towels dipped in color question the status of the work of art, when it can no longer be a mere representation. So do his buoys linked by a floating rope, or the pigments he sprinkled on snowy summits in the Alps, creating situations evocative of Land Art. The potential for infinite repetition of a dot on an unstretched canvas transforms both the field of painting and of modernist esthetics. After which Noël Dolla assembles three then four pieces of dyed cloth whose hem inscribes a cross in the center of the large surface they constitute. The mesh elements prolong the intentions of these canvases by deploying a fine and flexible grid whose luminous transparencies animate their color. 

Artist : Noël Dolla

Visitor Information

Ceysson & Bénétière