Drawing Now 2019
March 28 - March 31, 2019Drawing Now 2019
March 28 - March 31, 2019This exhibition is a tribute to Pierrette Bloch, two years after her passing away in July 2017. For the occasion, five artists who knew her well for various reasons, Pierre Buraglio, Philippe Favier, Alain Lambilliotte, Jean-Michel Meurice and Claude Viallat have created original works on the blank mediums she left behind in her Parisian studio. In a first version of this exhibition, the Maisons des Arts of Bages opened a dialogue between these creations and Pierrette Bloch’s. For Drawing Now, Galerie Ceysson & Bénétière and Karsten Greve pay a joined tribute to the artist by respectively featuring her friends’ works and her owns. The catalogue published for this double exhibition gathers testimonies of artists who speak about their relationship with Pierrette Bloch as well as the way they carried on this project.