mounir fatmi

Born in 1970, in Tangier, Morocco.

Lives and works between Tangier and Paris.


mounir fatmi was born in Tangier, Morocco, in 1970. When he was four, his family moved to Casablanca. At the age of 17, he traveled to Rome where he studied at the free school of nude drawing and engraving at the Academy of Arts, and then at the Casablanca art school, and finally at the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam.

He spent most of his childhood at the flea market of Casabarata, one of the poorest neighborhoods in Tangiers, where his mother sold children’s clothes. Such an environment produces vast amounts of waste and worn-out common use objects. The artist now considers this childhood to have been his first form of artistic education, and compares the flea market to a museum in ruin. This vision also serves as a metaphor and expresses the essential aspects of his work. Influenced by the idea of defunct media and the collapse of the industrial and consumerist society, he develops a conception of the status of the work of art located somewhere between Archive and Archeology.

By using materials such as antenna cable, typewriters and VHS tapes, mounir fatmi elaborates an experimental archeology that questions the world and the role of the artist in a society in crisis. He twists its codes and precepts through the prism of a trinity comprising Architecture, Language and Machine. Thus, he questions the limits of memory, language and communication while reflecting upon these obsolescent materials and their uncertain future. mounir fatmi’s artistic research consists in a reflection upon the history of technology and its influence on popular culture. Consequently, one can also view mounir fatmi’s current works as future archives in the making. Though they represent key moments in our contemporary history, these technical materials also call into question the transmission of knowledge and the suggestive power of images and criticize the illusory mechanisms that bind us to technology and ideologies.

Since 2000, Mounir fatmi’s installations were selected in several biennials, the 52nd and 57th Venice Biennales, the 8th Sharjah Biennale, the 5th and 7th Dakar Biennales, the 2nd Seville Biennale, the 5th Gwangju Biennale, the 10th Lyon Biennale, the 5th Auckland Triennial, the 10th and 11th Bamako Biennales, the 7th Shenzhen Architecture Biennale, the Setouchi Triennial and the Echigo-Tsumari Triennial in Japan. His work has been presented in numerous personal exhibits, at the Migros Museum, Zurich. MAMCO, Geneva. Picasso Museum La Guerre et la Paix, Vallauris. AK Bank Foundation, Istanbul. Museum Kunst Palast, Düsseldorf and at the Gothenburg Konsthall. He also participated in several collective exhibits at the Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris. Brooklyn Museum, New York. Palais de Tokyo, Paris. MAXXI, Rome. Mori Art Museum, Tokyo. MMOMA, Moscow. Mathaf, Doha, Hayward Gallery and the Victoria & Albert Museum, London. Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, at Nasher Museum of Art, Durham and Louvre Abu Dhabi.

He has received several prizes, including the Uriöt prize, Amsterdam, the Grand Prix Léopold Sédar Senghor at the 7th Dakar Biennale in 2006, as well as the Cairo Biennale Prize in 2010.


2013    Nominated, Prix Jameel Prize, Victoria & Albert Museum, 

             London, United-Kingdom

2010    Prix de la Biennale du Caire, Egypt

2006    Uriöt prize, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

              Grand Prix Léopold Sédar Senghor,

              de la 7ème Biennale de Dakar, Senegal

A plastic artist exhibited in the world's most prestigious museums, he is a Moroccan who started his career working for an advertising agency. Before he moved on to provocation... and then to glory. Mona Lisa with her head flipped upside down, a white sheep eating her hands. At the Tangiers flea market, in the midst of a bric-à-brac of second hand objects, Mounir Fatmi as a little boy discovered Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece through a reproduction. "That was my first artistic shock. How could I ever have become a classic artist after that ?" he says with a smile.

If you like watercolors, still lives or marble busts, don't bother with him. Mounir Fatmi is a video maker, photographer, painter and sculptor and more than anything an elusive artist. Driven by his insatiable curiosity, he bases his work on archives, photographs and even newspaper articles. Most of his work takes the form of ominous installations made of VHS tapes, cables or horse jumping bars. They are disconcerting metaphors of our times. Violent and possessed, they convey a grave and poetic vision of the world.


Mounir Fatmi welcomes us in his studio in a Paris suburb. That's where he works, despite the racket coming from the illegal video game arcade next door. "It's a little unconventional", he admits, though we tend to think it suits him. He might have made 356th in the list of the world's 500 most highly rated artists, with works that sell anywhere between 40.000 and 50.000 euros, he seems to have resisted the siren call of gentrification. Gallery owners call him from New York and Los Angeles, his work has been awarded prestigious prizes, but he continues to work like a humble artisan. "I'm fortunate to have people behind me who reason me and contain my ambitions, otherwise I'd become cynical or depressive."

Mounir Fatmi never did things like everyone else. When he was 4, he already knew we wanted to be a painter. But nothing in his early life as a child destined him to such a vocation. His courier father and his housewife mother were always busy with daily chores. They had to feed and raise five girls and two boys. "There weren't many cultural objects at home. There was a dictionary that was passed around in the neighborhood. The Koran was on a shelf, but we were never pure enough to touch it. And on the wall there was a picture of the king. For a long time, I actually thought he was a member of the family", he says with a hint of impertinence.

For this budding artist, Tangiers in the 1970s is a fascinating world. The last representatives of the beat generation can be found there, among which the famous writer Paul Bowles. But it's his uncle, a construction painter, that Mounir chooses as a role model. "He always had a cigarette in his mouth and paint under his fingernails. He lived alone his whole life. He was a very handsome and above all a very free man", he recounts. Mounir Fatmi undoubtedly inherited that freedom. When he was 17, before he even graduated from high school, he registered at the Casablanca art school.

But, dissatisfied with his training there, he left the school after only three months. So he flew to Rome and attended the Academy of Arts there. But he was disappointed again. "The Academy was too classic. All the students started drawing the same way. After a few months, we were all capable of copying the great masters." So goodbye Rome, and back to Casablanca it was.

"Painted, erased"

As he was good at drawing, he joined an advertising agency as a simple graphic designer. Six years later, he had successfully climbed the ladder and become its artistic director. "I learned a lot about the way images are manipulated. I understood that everything was manufactured and that thoughts were put in people's heads. And that's precisely what I avoid doing in my work." Again, the material comfort of a salaried job wasn't enough to retain him, so he left the world of advertising and resumed his artistic career.

His first paintings, exhibited in Casablanca in 2003, were very successful. He even was awarded the young painters' prize. "When I heard these petits-bourgeois say my work was very interesting, I got scared. So I decided to erase all my paintings." He covered them all with white paint and titled them "Painted, erased". The Moroccan press went wild, covering in insults a man who had so far been seen as "one of the great hopes of Moroccan painting".

Should this be seen as a sign of Mounir Fatmi's excessive pride ? Perhaps he is nothing more than a hopelessly indecisive artist ? No, he's just a veritable sponge. He takes in all that surrounds him. "I live with a sense of emergency. I don't have time for 'should-haves'", he explains. Comfort distresses him, the sensation of having accomplished his duty is a foreign concept to him. He won't let himself get locked inside anything, not even his own identity. "Besides, in the US I'm a French artist because the French touch sells. And in France, I'm an immigrant artist". Not a nationalist nor idiotically patriotic, he is a self-proclaimed nomad who never feels more at ease than in hotels and airports.

Political conscience

Nevertheless, Mounir Fatmi does admit having a political conscience. "When you come from an Arab country, you can't not have one. When you see the catastrophes caused by politics in our countries, you can't just stand by. " Incidentally, he describes himself as "a revolutionary, naïve and pretentious romantic". If he wasn't naïve, how could he have imagined shooting a remake of Andy Warhol's famous film Sleep, with Salman Rushdie as the main actor ? To this day, he hasn't managed to convince the writer, but he's hopeful he can recreate the character in 3D. And if he wasn't pretentious, he probably wouldn't have been able to convince the Black Panthers, whose paranoia is legendary, to sell him certain archives and FBI recordings for his piece Out of History, initiated in 2006.

Today, his dream would be to put together an opera. Five Muslim astronauts of diverse observances would sing in Arabic and split between themselves the lands of an untouched planet. "But that would require at least two years of work and a lot of money. I'm a little tired of looking for funding. Unless I win the lottery, chances are slim the project will ever come to life the way I imagined it".

Even if he's been told many times that it's rude, Mounir Fatmi is an artist who isn't afraid of talking about money. "Some time ago, someone told me: 'It's funny, today one can buy a small apartment, a car or one of your pieces'."

Mounir Fatmi's calendar is fully booked until 2013. He is currently exhibited at Galerie Hussenot in Paris ("Seeing is Believing"). One of his future pieces will feature obstacles held at arm's length by individuals of various heights. Which isn't surprising for this man who seems to be only driven by obstacles.

Leïla Slimani, article published in Jeune Afrique, January 2010.

Solo shows at Ceysson Gallery
mounir fatmi, Lyon
November 28, 2024 - January 25, 2025

mounir fatmi, Saint-Etienne
September 10 - November 19, 2022

mounir fatmi, Paris
May 16 - June 22, 2019

Group shows at Ceysson Gallery
Spring Paris, Paris
May 18 - July 23, 2020

Le grand détournement , Paris
June 27 - August 03, 2019

Le monde et le reste, Paris
May 20 - July 07, 2017

Solo shows

Keeping Faith - Keeping Drawing, Analix Forever, Geneva, Switzerland
A matter of perception, Skanstull Metro Station, Stockholm, Sweden
The White Matter, Ceysson & Bénétière, Paris, France
The Process, Wild Gallery, Geneva, Switzerland

This is My Body, Analix Forever, Geneva, Switzerland
Holy Water, Galerie de Multiples, Paris, France
The Human Factor, Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan
The Day of the Awakening, CDAN Museum - Centro de Arte Y Naturaleza, Huesca, Spain
180° Behind Me, Göteborgs Konsthall, Göteborg, Sweden

Transition State, Officine dell'Immagine, Milano, Italy
Peripheral Vision, Art Front Gallery, Tokyo, Japan
Ghosting, Galerie De Multiples, Paris, France
(IM)possible Union, Analix Forever Gallery, Geneva, Switzerland
Survival Signs, Jane Lombard Gallery, New York, USA
Le Pavillon de l'exil, Galerie Delacroix, Tangier, Morocco
Fragmented Memory, Goodman Gallery, Johannesburg, South Africa
Inside the Fire Circle, Lawrie Shabibi , Dubaï, United Arab Emirates
Darkening Process, Analix Forever Gallery, Geneva, Switzerland
Under the Skin, Maison des Arts du Grütli, Geneva, Switzerland

The Index and The machine, ADN Platform, San Cugat del Vallès, Spain
A Savage Mind, Keitelman Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
Depth of Field, Labanque, Béthune, France
Darkening Process, The Marrakech Museum for Photography and Visual Arts, Marrakech, Morocco

History is not mine, Metavilla, Bordeaux, France
Permanent Exiles, MAMCO, Geneva, Switzerland
Art et Patrimoine: C'est encore la nuit, Prison Qara - Institut Français de Meknès, Morocco
Modern Times, Miami Beach Urban Studios Gallery - Florida International University, Miami Beach, USA
Constructing Illusion, Analix Forever, Geneva, Switzerland

Walking on the light, CCC - Centre de Création Contemporaine, Tours, France
Light & Fire, ADN Galeria, Barcelona, Spain
Art of War, ADN Platform, Sant Cugat del Vallès, Spain
They were blind, they only saw images, Galerie Yvon Lambert, Paris, France
The Kissing Circles, Analix Forever, Geneva, Switzerland

History is not mine, Paradise Row Gallery, London, United-Kingdom
Spot On: Mounir Fatmi, Museum Kunst Palast, Düsseldorf, Germany
Le Voyage de Claude Lévi-Strauss, Institut Français, Casablanca, Morocco
La Ligne Droite, Galerie Fatma Jellal, Casablanca, Morocco
The Blinding Light, Analix Forever, Geneva, Switzerland
Post Tenebras Lux, Festival A-Part, Les Baux-de-Provence, France
Intersections, Keitelman Gallery, Brussels, Belgium

Suspect Language, Goodman Gallery, Cape Town, South-Africa
Kissing Circles, Shoshana Wayne Gallery, Santa Monica, USA
Oriental Accident, Lombard-Freid Projects, New York, USA

The Angel's Black Leg, Galerie Conrads, Düsseldorf, Germany
Between the lines, Galerie Hussenot, Paris, France
Without Anesthesia, Analix Forever, Geneva, Switzerland
Megalopolis, AKBank Sanat, Istanbul,Turkey
Architecture Now !, Espace Culturel Le Chaplin, Mantes-la-Jolie, France
Linguaggi Costituenti, Fondazione Collegio San Carlo, Modena, Italy

Seeing is believing, Galerie Hussenot, Paris, France
The Beautiful Language, Galerie Ferdinand van Dieten, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Underneath, Kiosque Raspail, Ivry-sur-Seine, France

Fuck architects: Chapter III, FRAC Alsace, Séléstat, France
Minimalism is capitalist, Galerie Conrads, Düsseldorf, Germany
Hard Head, Tank TV - Web-based project

Fuck architects: Chapter III, Biennale de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium
Fuck architects : Chapter II, Centre d'art contemporain Le Creux de l'Enfer, Thiers, France
Connexion 02, Galerie Delacroix, Tanger, Morocco

Fuck Architects : Chapter I, Lombard-Freid Projects, New York, USA
In search of paradise, Ferdinand van Dieten Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Something is possible, Shoshana Wayne Gallery, Los Angeles, USA
J'aime l'Amérique, La Maison Rouge, Fondation Antoine de Galbert, Paris, France
Sans histoire, Musée Picasso - La guerre et la paix, Vallauris, France

Face, les 99 noms de dieu, Galerie Saint Séverin, Paris, France
Tête dure / Hard head, Bank Galerie, Paris, France

Bad connexion, Saw Gallery, Ottawa, Canada
Ecrans noirs, Centre d'art contemporain intercommunal, Istres, France
L'évolution ou la mort, Centre Culturel Marcel Pagnol, Fos-sur-Mer, France
Commissariat Projet le Reste, Tour Eiffel, Bourges, France

Comprendra bien qui comprendra le dernier, Centre d'art contemporain Le Parvis, Ibos, France
Survival signs, oeuvres video 1990-2004, Vidéokiosque 01, Pau, France
Dieu me pardonne, Bureau d'Art et de Recherche, Roubaix, France
Jusqu'au bout de la poussière, Espace des arts, Colomiers, France

Obstacles, Next flag, Migros Museum, Zürich, Switzerland

Ovalprojet, CAC Le Chaplin, Mantes-la-Jolie, France

Liaisons et déplacement, Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, France

Group shows

The Words Create Images, 5th International Biennale of Casablanca, Casablanca, Morocco

Printemps , Galerie Ceysson & Bénétière, Paris, France
Caves, Catacombs, Ferroconcrete,Altai Biennale, Terekta, Russia
The Light House, Fondation Boghossian - Villa Empain, Brussels, Belgium
Rock me Baby, Yverdon-Les-Bains, France
RECYCLER/SURCYCLER, Fondation Villa Datris, L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue, Vaucluse, France
The Pope,MOCAK, Museum of Contemporary Art In Krakow, Krakow, Poland
…possibiité d’action, Bordeaux, France
Sharjah Calligraphy Biennial 8th Edition MAKNOON, Sharjah Calligraphy Biennial , Sharjah, United Arab Emirates
Prête-moi ton Rêve, Musée des cultures contemporaines Adama Toungara d’Abobo, Abidjan, Ivory Coast
United Artists - 1:54 Marrakech OFF, Hotel Movenpick, Marrakech, Morocco
La Vague Blanche, Galerie 38, Casablanca, Morocco
How To Disappear, Goodman Gallery, Johannesburg, South Africa
Touriste!, Espace d'Art Plastique, Mitry-Mory, France
Glitch, Margo Veillon Gallery Tahrir Cultural Center, AUC, Cairo, Egypt
Traces du vivant, Musée des confluences, Lyon, France
Our world is burning, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France
La sombra de Goya en el arte contemporáneo, Kubo Kutxa, San Sebastián, Spain
Cut Up/Cut Out, Lamont Gallery at Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, UK
Fonction critique 2, Aperto, Montpellier, France

Acts of Reading, Goodman Gallery, Cape Town, South Africa
Pas de printemps pour Marnie, Galerie de Multiples, Paris, France
L’Herbe entre les pavés (et les roses dans les phallus), Analix Forever, Geneva, Switzerland
Ici sont les dragons 2/3 : Venez comme vous êtes, Centre d'art contemporain de la Maison Populaire, Montreuil, France
Art et presse, libres échanges, Chateau de Penthes, Genova, Italy
Une Poétique du multiple, Artothèque de Caen, Caen, France
Tradition Interrupted, Bedford Gallery, Walnut Creek, USA
Elective Affinities, Keitelman Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
The I is Always in the Field of the Other, Evliyagil Museum, Ankara, Turkey
Les 22èmes Rencontres Traverse Vidéo, Rencontres Traverse Vidéo, Toulouse, France
Cut Up/Cut Out, Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum, Wausau, USA
The Handmade in the Technological Age, Shoshana Wayne Gallery, Santa Monica, USA
SILENT PEACE, Atelier AMI, Geneva, Switzerland
Speaking Power To (Post) Truth, Jane Lombard Gallery, New York, USA
Borders, James Cohan Gallery, New York, USA

Basically It's Very Practical, IKOB - International Art Centre East Belgium, Eupen, Belgium
Robert Montgomery Mounir Fatmi, Analix Forever, Geneve, Switzerland
Revolution Generations, Mathaf Arab Museum of Modern Art, Doha, Qatar
Second Life, Musée d'Art Contemporain Africain Al Maaden (MACAAL), Marrakech, Morocco
Beyond Borders, Fondation Boghossian – Villa Empain, Brussels, Belgium
EXOTIC × MODERN: French Art Deco and inspiration afar, Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum, Tokyo, Japon
People Get Ready, Nasher Museum of Art at Duke University, Durham, United Kingdom
Un œil ouvert sur le monde arabe, Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris, France
Somewhere Behind the Eyes, Sammlung Philara, Düsseldorf, Germanie
Cut Up/Cut Out , Ellen Noël Art Museum, Odessa, Ukraine
BRIC-à-brac | The Jumble of Growt, Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Roma, Italy
40 ans de collection et un film documentaire de 60 min, Fondation Fernet-Branca, Saint-Louis, France
Motherland in Art, Museum of Contemporary Art in Krakow, Krakow, Poland
Extensions de graffitis, Fort Saint-André, Villeneuve-lez-Avignon, France
Echigo Tsumari Art Triennale, Echigo Tsumari, Niigata, Japon
Biennale Agora d'Architecture de Rabat, Culée Creuse, Rabat, Morocco
MOVING ART, Analix Forever, Genève, Switzerland
Resist!, Bozar Center for fine arts, Brussels, Belgium
Al Musiqa, Philharmonie de Paris - Cité de la musique, Paris, France
A Journey to Freedom, The Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery , Hobart, Australia
Narrative Means, Goodman Gallery, Johannesburg, South Africa
Scripted Reality, 10 Hanover, London, United Kingdom
Le Pavillon de l'Exil - Off de la Biennale de Dakar, Institut Français de Saint Louis, Saint Louis, France
Cut Up/Cut Out, Pensacola Museum of Art, Pensacola, Florida
L'heure Rouge, 13eme Biennale de Dakar, Dakar, Sénégal
Systems of Demarcation, Von der Heydt-Kunsthalle, Wuppertal-Barmen, Germany

La Nuit Blanche, Institut Français de Cotonou, Cotonou, Benin
Tunisian Pavilion, The Absence of Paths, 57th Venice Biennale 2017, Venice, Italy
7eme Biennale d'Architecture de Shenzhen, Nantou Old Town, Shenzhen, China
Rencontres de Bamako, 11eme Biennale Africaine de la Photographie, Bamako, Mali
Diaspora Now, Gifu Museum, Gifu, Japan
Lettres ouvertes, de la calligraphie au street-art, Institut des Cultures d'Islam, Paris, France
memoire vive, L29 Art Studio, Rome, Italy
Cut Up / Cut Out, Bellevue Arts Museum, Bellevue, France
#HYPERMuralité, 15eme biennale d'art contemporain Alios!, Paris, France
Miroir, miroir, Mudac, Lausanne, Switzerland
The Black Sphinx, from Morocco to Madagascar, Primo Marella Gallery, Milan, Italy
The Eye of LEBANON, OUROUBA, Beirut, Lebanon
The Silences Between, Goodman Gallery, Cape Town, South Africa
E-mois, Musée d'Art Contemporain Africain Al Maaden (MACAAL) , Marrakech, Morocco
Beautiful Stranger, Museum De Wieger, Deurne, Belgium
Exposición Internacional Al-Tiba9, Arteria Bcn Gallery, Barcelona, Spain
Poésie Abstraite, MA GALERIE - Samuel Le Paire, Paris, France
57th Venice Bienale 2017, NSK State Pavilion, Venise, Italy
Saout Africa(s) - SAVVY Funk - Documenta 14, SAVVY Contemporary, Berlin, Germany
In Friction with Fiction, Conrads Gallery, Düsseldorf, Germany
Le monde et le reste, Galerie Ceysson & Bénétière, Paris, France
Independently, Keitelman Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
Full Moon, Analix Forever Gallery, Geneva, Switzerland
Altiba9, Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain
Religion : miroir de la société - Une histoire, des regards, Musée du Pays de Hanau, Bouxwiller, France
Arts Ephemeres, Château de Servières, Marseille, France
En l'occurence, Centre Européen d'Action Artistiques Contemporaines, Strasbourg, France
3 collectionneurs autrement, ETE78, Ixelles, Belgium
10 years old, Fondazione Fotografia Modena, Modena, Italy
Generation Flash, Fondation Alliances, Casablanca, Morocco
State of the World, H&R Block Artspace, Kansas City, USA

Cut up/cut out, Bedford Gallery, Walnut Creek, USA
BRIC-á-brac The Jumble of Growth, Beijing Today Art Museum, Beijing, China
D'une méditerranée, l'autre, Hôtel des Arts, Toulon, France
On the Origins of Art, MONA - Museum of Old and New Art, Hobart, Australia
Dépenses, First part of the trilogy La Traversée des Inquiétudes, Labanque, Béthune, France
All I Want For Christmas Is..., Galerie de multiples, Paris, France
Love Stories, Les Photaumnales, Beauvais, France
Essentiel Paysage, Musée d'art contemporain africain Al Maaden, Marrakech, Morocco
Dada est tatou, Galerie de multiples, Paris, France
Urban Touch, Kunsthalle Faust, Hannover, Germany
L'œil du collectionneur - Focus 1, Musée d'Art Moderne et Contemporain de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France
Exile Pavilion, Archives Nationales Hôtel de Soubise, Paris, France
Fundamental, 5th Mediations Biennale 2016, Poznan, Poland
Setouchi Triennale 2016, Awashima Community Area, Japan
Al-tiba9, Bardo National Museum, Algiers, Algeria
Utopies, Espoirs, Colères, L'Été Photographique de Lectoure, Lectoure, France
error: x, OSTRALE'016, Dresden, Germany
Nothing but blue skies, retour sur l'image médiatique du 11 septembre, Arles 2016 - Les Rencontres de la photographie, Arles, France
Let's dance, corps en mouvements, Festival a-part 2016, Les Alpilles, France
Expérience sonore, Musée d'Art Moderne de Troyes, Troyes, France
L'art de la tolerance, Galerie Bab Rouah, Rabat, Morocco
Dark Chapters, Rotor, Graz, Ausrtria
New Revolutions, Goodman Gallery, Johannesburg, South-Africa
25eme edition de L'art dans les chapelles, Galerie Jean Fournier, Paris, France
3AJEL, Le Temps Réel, Talan, Tunis, Tunisia
Footing the Bill : Art and our ecological footprint, part II,
Les Murmures de la Galerie 121, La Galerie 121 - Institut Français de Casablanca, Casablanca, Morocco
Lady Dior As Seen By, Langen Foundation, Neuss, Germany
Setouchi Art, Isetan Mitsukoshi, Tokyo, Japan
En garde, l'art s'engage !, Musée Bartholdi, Colmar, France
Le temps de l'audace et de l'engagement - De leur temps (5), Institut d'Art Contemporain, Villeurbanne, France
Le sein dessin, Galerie Vivo Equidem, Paris, France
Looking at the World Around You. Contemporary Works from Qatar Museums, Santander Art Gallery, Madrid, Spain
Le Sens de la Peine, La Terrasse, Nanterre, France
198920072016, Galerie Papillon, Paris, France
Merchant of Dreams, Brandts & Viborg Kunsthal, Odense & Viborg, Denmark

Telling Time, Musée National du Mali, Bamako, Mali
100%, Galerie des Multiples, Paris, France
I Love You, Fondazione VIDEOINSIGHT, Turin, Italy
Claire & Obscure, Galerie d'Art Frontières, Lille, France
Unprotected Zone, Museum on the Seam, Jerusalem, Israel
Le monde selon..., FRAC Franche Comté , Besançon, France
Les Fragments de l'Amour, CAC La Traverse, Alfortville, France
La Fabrique de l'homme moderne, en résonance avec la Biennale de Lyon, La FabriC, espace d'art contemporain, Fondation Salomon, Annecy, France
En-Quête, Ghaya Gallery, Tunis, Tunisia
Memory & Oblivion, Station, Beirut, Lebanon
Art et Prison - We only exist when we create, Contemporary Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
Between the Pessimism of the Intellect and the Optimism of the Will, 5th Thessaloniki Biennale, Thessaloniki, Greece
The Migrant (Moving) Image, A Tale of a Tub, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Street Culture, Ecole Municipale des Beaux-Arts de Châteauroux, Châteauroux, France
Sublime de Voyage, une biennale en camion - Un hommage à James Lee Byars, Biennale art nOmad, Arnac la Poste, France
Tolerance, The 2nd International Bodrum Biennial, Bodrum, Turkey
Créer c'est résister, Bibliothèque Municipale de Lyon, Lyon, France
Jameel Prize 3, The National Library, Singapore
Global Control and Censorship, ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany
Je me souviens, La Traverse - centre d'art contemporain d'Alfortville, Alfortville, France
Seins à Dessein, Espace Arlaud, Lausanne, Switzerland
Who said tomorrow doesn't exist?, 1st Trio Biennial, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
A REPUBLIC OF ART : French Regional Collections of contemporary Art. From the 80's to Today, Stedelijk Van Abbemuseum, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Summertime... and the living is easy, Geukens & De Vil, Knokke-Heist, Belgium
Edge of Silence, The Goodman Gallery, Cape Town, South-Africa
Le Point de Fuite de l'Histoire, Festival Photographique de Lectoure, Lectoure, France
Face 2 Face, Festival A-Part, Les Baux-de-Provence, France
Handle with Care, Ostrale '15, Dresden, Germany
Diverse works: Director's Choice, 1997-2015, The Brooklyn Museum, Brooklyn, USA
Jameel Prize 3, Sharjah Museum, Sharjah, Emirates
Fotofest 2014: Views from the inside, ADMAF, Abu Dhabi, Emirates
Passages, parages; visages, paysages, Musée Bank Al-Maghrib, Rabat, Morocco
Other People's Memories, Goodman Gallery, Johannesburg, South-Africa
Endless, Keitelman Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
Direction Artistique, Galerie Magda Danysz, Paris, France
Measuring the unmeasurable, Sabrina Amrani Gallery, Madrid, Spain
Art in Exile, Keitelman Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
Je me souviens du génocide arménien, Galerie Sobering, Paris, France
Africa and its shadow, Marta Massaioli Arte Contemporanea, Fabriano, Italy
You love me, you love me not, contemporary art of the collection Sindika Dokolo, Galeria Municipal do Porto, Porto, Portugal
Traces of the Future, MMP+, The Marrakech Museum for Photography and Visual Arts, Marrakech, Morocco
Test Exposure, 16th International Media Art Biennial WRO, Wroclaw, Poland
FOMO, Fear Of Missing Out - Sextant &+, La Friche Belle de Mai, Marseille, France
Detras del Muro, Collateral project to the 12th Havana Biennial, La Havana, Cuba
All the World's a mosque, Théâtre de Carthage - Kamel Lazaar Foundation, Tunis, Tunisie
Corps recomposés. Greffe et art contemporain, Le Scriptorial d'Avranches, Avranches, France
Elogio de la fatiga, Fabra i Coats, Barcelona, Spain
HIWAR - inaugural exhibition, AMOCA, the Arab Museum of Contemporary Art, Sakhnin, Israel
A l'ombre d'Eros, une histoire d'amour et de mort, Monastère Royal de Brou, Bourg-en-Bresse, France

Memory, Place, Desire: Contemporary Art of the Maghreb and the Maghrebi Diaspora, Cantor Fitzgerald Gallery - Haverford College, Haverford    Sublime: Contemporary Works from the Collection, QAGOMA, Brisbane, Australia
Arab Contemporary, architecture, culture and identity, Louisiana, Museum of Modern Art, Humblaek, Denmark
Des Choses en moins, des choses en plus, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France
Nass Belgica - L'immigration marocaine en Belgique, Centre culturel Le Botanique, Brussels, Belgium
Between two stools, one book, Villa Empain-Fondation Boghossian, Brussels, Belgium
Choices - Works on paper, Conrads, Düsseldorf, Germany
Pourquoi écrire ?, Galerie Sobering, Paris, France
The Pink Spy, MUHKA, Antwerp, Belgium
Views from inside, Fotofest Biennial 2014, Houston, USA
Surfacing, Goodman Gallery, Cape Town, South-Africa
African Way, Chapelle de la Visitation - Espace d'art contemporain, Thonon-les-Bains, France
IMPACT, Art Gallery of Western Austrialia, Perth, Australia
Songs of Love and Songs of Loss, Gwangju Museum of Art, Gwangju, South Korea
La Disparition des Lucioles, Collection Lambert, Avignon, France
Sculptures du Sud, Villa Datris, L'Isle-sur-Sorgue, France
Jameel Prize 3, Hermitage-Kazan Museum, Kazan, Tatarstan
Jameel Prize 3, New Manege, Moscow, Russia
Giving Contours to Shadows, N.B.K, Berlin, Germany
The Kennedy Bunker, REH-transformer, Berlin, Germany
Complices y Testigos, ADN Galeria, Barcelona, Spain
Colonia Apocrifa, MUSAC, Leon, Spain
La Route Bleue, Musée National Adrien Dubouch, Limoges, France
Les Désastres de la Guerre, Festival A-Part, Les Baux-de-Provence, France
A Moment Forever, Analix Forever Gallery, Geneva, Suisse
The Language of Human Consciousness, Athr Gallery, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Ne pas se séparer du monde, 5ème Orient'art express, Oujda, Morocco
Liberté mon amour, Fête de l'Humanité, Paris, France
Helvetica Zebra, Station, Beirut, Lebanon
Memory, Place, Desire, Cantor Fitzgerald Gallery - Haverford College, Haverford, USA
Le Maroc Contemporain, Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris
1914-2014 Cent ans de création au Maroc, Musée MMVI, Rabat, Morocco
Entre Nosotros, CAyT Centro de Arte y Technologia, Zaragoza, Spain
Blue Movie, Galerie Eva Hober, Paris, France

Jameel Prize 3, Victoria & Albert Museum, London, United-Kingdom
If you were to live here, 5th Auckland Triennial, Auckland, New-Zeland
Ici, Ailleurs, La Friche Belle de Mai - Marseille-Provence 2013 - Capitale Européene de la culture, Marseille, France
The Progress of Love, The Menil Collection, Houston, USA
25 years of Arab Creativity, Abu Dhabi Pavilion, Abu Dhabi, Emirates
25 years of Arab Creativity, National Museum of Barhein, Manama, Bahrain
Body and Soul: New international ceramics, Museum of Arts and Design, New York, USA
La Route Bleue, Villa Empain-Fondation Boghossian, Brussels, Belgium
10 is more than a number, ADN Galeria, Barcelona, Spain
Skate Moss, Analix Forever Gallery, Geneva, Switzerland
Lady Dior as seen by, Pier 4 - Central, Hong Kong, China
Pictorial Field, D+T Project Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
Ennemi Public, Galerie Magda Danysz, Paris, France
3 x 3 - L'écriture, trialogue entre les trois religions, Citykirche Alter Markt, Mönchengladbach, Germany
To be continued, Le Quartier - Centre d'art contemporain, Quimper, France
Inner Journeys, Maison Particulière, Bruxelles, Belgium
L'art dans les chapelles, Cléguerec, France
Sculpture on the beach, Art Dubai, Dubai, Emirates
Cogitum, Palais des Evêques, Saint-Lizier, France
(One) Hope Map, Centre Culturel de Bruges, Bruges, Belgique
50 ans d'arts videos internationaux, La Friche Belle de Mai, Marseille, France
Au-delà de mes rêves, H2M - Résonance de la Biennale de Lyon, Bourg-en-Bresse, France
Re-Orientation, 2nd Biennale de la Méditerranée, Sakhnin, Israel
Symbiose de deux mondes, Written Art Foundation - Palais Namaskar, Marrakech, Morocco
21st century Silk Highway, Yallay Art Space, Hong Kong, China
Le Pont, Musée d'Art Contemporain, Marseille, France
Exercises on Democracy, White House Biennial, Athens, Greece
Khat and After, Katara Cultural village, Doha, Qatar
The Sea is my land, MAXXI, Rome, Italy
Transit, Pavilhao da Oca, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Pièces Montrées: La Collection Impossible, Fondation Fernet-Branca, Saint Louis, France

Intranquillités, B.P.S.22, espace de création contemporaine de la province du Hainaut, Charleroi, France
Machines - Les Formes du mouvement, Manif d'art 6 - La biennale de Québec, Québec, Canada
L'histoire est à moi !, Le Printemps de Septembre, Toulouse, France
Unrest, Apexart, New York, USA
Transit, Museu de Arte Moderna da Bahia, Salvador da Bahia, Brazil
Lady Dior as seen by, Wako Namiki, Tokyo, Japan
Le Monde comme il bouge, La Brasserie, Foncquevillers, France
In Other Words, NGBK, Berlin, Germany
Le Depays, 4th Marrakech Bienniale, Marrakech, Morocco
Seules les pierres sont innocentes, Galerie Talmart, Paris, France
Noir Clair, Galerie Quang-Analix Forever, Paris, France
Advance/...Notice, Goodman Gallery, Johannesburg, South-Africa
Drawings, Paradise Row Gallery, London, United-Kingdom
Détournements, Keitelman Gallery, Brussels, Belgium
Replicants, Galerie Talmart, Paris; France
Home Where, Lombard-Freid Projects, New York, USA
Beyond Memory, Museum on the Seam, Jerusalem, Israel
Horizons Croisés, 34e Moussem Culturel International d'Assilah, Assilah, Morocco
La Plasticité du Langage, Fondation Hippocrène, Paris, France
Le Christ dans l'art, Gingko'art, Pontoise, France
Untold Stories, Johan Deumens Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Contested Territories, Dorsky Gallery Curatorial Programs, Long Island, New York, USA
Contemporary Creation and Social Dynamics, Biennale de Dakar, Dakar, Senegal
#Cometogether, Edge of Arabia, London, United-Kingdom
Systems and patterns, International Centre of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana, Slovenia
25 ans de créativité arabe, Institut du Monde Arabe, Paris, France

The Future of a promise, Maggazini del Sale - 54e Biennale de Venise, Venice, Italy
Unfolding Tales, Brooklyn Museum, New York, USA
Told, Untold, Retold, Mathaf, Arab Museum of Modern Art, Doha, Qatar
A Rock and a Hard Place, 3rd Thessaloniki Biennale, Thessalonique, Greece
Between Now and Then, OMR Galeria, Mexico
The Last exhibition at Galerie Ferdinand van Dieten, Galerie Ferdinand van Dieten, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Concrete Islands, Analix Forever , Paris, France
Miragen, Museu Nacional do Conjunto Cultural da Republica, Brasilia, Brazil
Miragen, Instituto Tomie Ohtake, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Frontières, rencontres de Bamako, Fondation Gulbenkian, Lisbon, Portugal
Word of Mouth, Biennale d'Athènes, Athens, Greece
After the Rage, Beton7, Athens, Greece
Meeting Point 6: Locus Agonistes - Practices and Logics of the civic, Argos Center for Art and Media, Brussels, Belgium
La Ville et leurs imaginaires, Fondation Blachère, Apt, France
Images affranchies, Ancienne agence de la Banque du Maroc, Marrakech, Morocco
Fluxus-African Contemporary Art, Chiesa dei Santi Carlo e Agata, Reggio Emilia, Italy
Inspiration Dior, Musée des Beaux Arts Pouchkine, Moscow, Russia
Pax, Fondation Frances, Senlis, France
Meeting Point 6: Locus Agonistes - Practices and Logics of the civic, Beirut art Center, Beirut, Lebanon
The Pavement and the Beach, Paradise Row, London, United-Kingdom
Une terrible beauté est né, 11e Biennale de Lyon, Lyon, France
The Great Babylon Circus, Mu, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Working for change - projet pour le pavillon marocain - 54e Biennale de Venise, Appartement 22, Rabat, Morocco
West end ?, Museum on the Seam, Jerusalem, Israel
Islam & the City, Institut des Cultures d'Islam, Paris, France
Collector, Tri postal, Lille
Maghreb: Dos Orillas, Circulo de Bellas Artes, Madrid, Spain
Terrible Beauty: Art, Crisis, Change, Dublin Contemporary 2011, Dublin, Ireland

XIIth Cairo Biennial, Cairo, Egypt
Unexpected - Unerwartet, Kunstmuseum Bochum, Bochum, Germany
Res publica, Moscow Museum of Modern Art, Moscow, Russia
Yesterday will be better, Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau, Switzerland
In context, Arts on main, The Goodman Gallery, Johannesbrug, South Africa
Miragens, Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Rétrospective et perspectives, Biennale de Dakar, Dakar, Senegal
Biennale Cuvée, Offenes Kulturhaus, Linz, Austria
Breaking News, Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Modena, Modena, Italy
CAVE, Contemporary Arab Video Encounter, Maraya art center, Sharjah, Emirates
THE STATE, Traffic, Dubai, Emirates
Première Biennale méditerrannéene d'Haifa, Haifa, Israel
Silence_Storm, Port Izmir 2, International triennial of contemporary art, Izmir, Turkey
Capturando rayos del sol Norteafricano, Centro Parraga of Murcia, Murcia, Spain
The Storyteller, The New School, New York, USA
The Storyteller, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, Canada
The Exquisite Corpse Project, Gasser Grunert Gallery, New York, USA
Shadow Dance, KAdE, Amersfoort, The Netherlands
One shot! Football et Art Contemporain, B.P.S. 22, Charleroi, Belgium
Born in Dystopia, Rosenblum Collection & Friends, Paris, France
As the land expands, the world gets closer, Al Riwaq, Bahrain
Résonances: Artistes marocains du monde, Musée privé de Marrakech, Marrakech, Morocco
Frontières, Johannesburg Art Gallery, Johannesburg, South Africa
Frontière - 8e rencontres photographiques de Bamako, La Centrale électrique, Brussels, Belgium
Frontières - 4e rencontres photographiques de Fès, Institut Culturel Français, Fès, Morocco
Frontières, Centre culturel franco-mozambicain, Maputo, Mozambique
Living Together, Observatori 11, Valencia, Spain
FIAC Tuileries 2010, Paris,France

The Spectacle of the Everyday - Xe Biennale de Lyon, Musée d'art contemporain, Lyon, France
8e rencontres photographiques de Bamako, Bamako, Mali
Balla Drama, Paradise Row, London, France
America, Beirut Art Center, Beyrouth, Lebanon
Looking Inside Out, Kunsternes Hus, Oslo, Normay
The Storyteller, Salina Art Center, Salina, USA
Out of Line, Lombard-Freid Projects, New York, USA
Things Fall Apart, Winkleman Gallery, New York, USA
After Architecture: Tipologies de Després, Santa Monica Art Center, Barcelona, Spain
Il faut être absolument moderne, Paradise Row, Istanbul, Turkey
Art Tel Aviv, Tel Aviv,Israel
Planète Cerveau, Musée Denys Puech, Rodez, France
Collective Memories in three chapters, Galerie Antje Wachs, Berlin, Germany
Cul-de-Sac, Isola di San Pietro, Venice, Italy
Another Border: Who are the others ?, Göteborgs Konsthall, Göteborg, Sweden
Another Border: Who are the others ?, LACMA, Los Angeles, USA
Traversées-Crossings, Darb 17 18, Cairo, Egypt
Traversées-Crossings, Bab Rouah - Bab Elkebir, Rabat, Morocco
Little Black Curly Hair, Kappatos Galerie, Athens, Greece
TransArabe in Casa Arabe, Casa Arabe, Madrid, Spain

Paradise Now ! - Essential French avant-Garde Cinema 1890-2008, Tate modern, London, United-Kingdom
Farewell to Colonialism, Third Guangshou Trienniale, Guangzhou, China
Looking Forward to hearing from you, Musée Gounaropoulos, Athens, Greece
Open Sky - Spaces beyond their Practices, Kunstverein Medienturm, Graz, Austria
Flow, Studio Museum in Harlem, New York, USA
Peur et Désir, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France
Traces du sacré, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France
The gates of Mediterranean, Palazzo del Piozzo Rivoli, Turin, Italy
Traces du sacré, Haus der Kunst, Münich, Germany
Cadavre exquis, Analix Forever Gallery, Geneva, Switzerland
Visionary Tales of a Balanced Earth, The Te Papa Museum, Wellington, New Zeland
Biennale of Pontevedra, Pontevedra, Spain
Traversia, CAAM, Canary Islands,
Videozoom - Sala 1, Centro Internazionale d'Arte Contemporanea, Roma, Italy
Traversées, Art Paris, Paris, France
Attempt to exhaust an African place, Santa Monica Art Center, Barcelona, Spain

52nd International Venice Biennial, Venice, Italy
Fiac cinéma, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France
Seven installations, Faulconer Gallery - Grinnell College, Iowa, USA
Frontier(s), Musée d'art et d'histoire, Saint-Brieuc, France
Art, ecology and the politics of change, 8ème biennale de Sharjah, Dubaï, Emirates
Africa remix - Contemporary art of a continent, Johannesburg Art Gallery, Johannesburg, South Africa
1ère triennale de Luanda, Angola
Biennial, international art exhibition, Nadezda Petrovic Memorial, Cacak, Serbia

The unhomely, phantom scenes in global society, 2ème biennale de Séville, Sevilla, Spain
Black panther party for self defense, Bank Galerie, Paris, France
Shard history/Decolonising the image, Espace Arti et w139, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Africa remix, contemporary art of a continent, Moderna Museet, Stockholm, Sweden
Absolumental, Les Abattoirs, Musée d'Art Moderne et Contemporain, Toulouse, France
Spiritus - Nuit blanche, Eglise Saint Séverin, Paris, France
Image révélée, Musée de la ville de Tunis, Tunis, Tunisie
Instituto valenciano de arte moderno, Valencia, Spain
Explorations in film & vidéo, The photographers gallery, London, United-Kingdom
Courants alternatifs, Le Parvis, Ibos & CAPC musée d'art contemporain, Bordeaux, France
Africa remix - Contemporary art of a continent, Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan
7ème biennale de Dakar, Dakar, Senegal

Africa remix - L'art contemporain d'un continent, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, France
Meeting point, The Stenersen Museum, Oslo, Norway
Tourist class, Konstmuseum, Malmö, Sweden
Cohabitation forcée, Centre d'art contemporain ticino, Bellinzona, Itlay
Image statement position, Photocairo, Cairo, Egypt
Rencontres méditerranéennes, Horcynus orca foundation, Messina, Morocco
Uit de landen van ondergaande zon, Arti e amicitae, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Marokko kunst & design, Wereldmuseum, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Africa remix, contemporary art of a continent, Hayward Gallery, London, United-kingdom

A drop of water, a grain of dust, Gwangju biennale, Gwangju, South Korea
nventaire contemporain II, Galerie nationale du jeu de paume, Paris, France
Africa remix - Contemporary art of a continent, Museum Kunst Palast, Düsseldorf, Germany
Les afriques - Lille 2004 capitale européenne de la culture, Tri postal, Lille, France
Apagado/Encendido, Museo Nacional de Artes Visuales, Montevideo, Uruguay
Biennale d'art contemporain de Bourges, Bourges, France
Foucault cinéma, image mémoire, image pouvoir, Cinémathèque française, Paris, France
Nearer the near east - A public space project, Schirn Kunsthalle Frankfurt, Francfort, Germany
Les Camoufleurs, Kunsteverein Springhornhof, Lüneburg, Germany

Observatorio #9 - A project for the triennial of Luanda 2005, Espace Camouflage, Brussels, Belgium
Sur le front, géographie de la peinture contemporaine, Le Triage, Nanterre, France
In/tangibles Cartographies, Biennale de la Havane, La Havana, Cuba
Espacios mestizos, 2ème international contemporary art meeting, Osorio, Canary islands, Spain
Art vidéo, art interactif, Musée de la fondation O.N.A, Casablanca, Morocco
Videoarcheology, The red house - Center for culture and debate, Sofia, Bulgaria
Nuevo video arabe, Caixa forum, Barcelona, Spain
Journées méditerranéennes d'arts plastiques, Sousse, Tunisia
Cinéma d'avant-garde, contre-culture générale, Cinémathèque française, Paris, France
Les résidents, l'ailleurs, l'image et la mobilité, La Plateforme, Alger, Algeria

Observatorio # 2 trans/action, Espace Camouflage, Brussels, Belgium
Tv or not Tv, 8ème Celebration of expérimental media arts, Los Angeles, USA
Images and power, Espacio C, Camargo, Spain
Pacific cinémathèque, Vancouver, Canada
Videorient, Landesmuseum, Linz, Austria
Latitude Villette Maghreb, Grande halle de la Villette, Paris, France

Vidéo/je vois, la création vidéo en France, Auditorium musée Guggenheim, Bilbao, Spain
In/tangible cartographies, World wide vidéo festival, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Mutation plastique marocaine, Le passage de l'art, Marseille, France
Radio de accion, Centro atlantico de Arte Moderno, Canary Islands
Videomarea, Palazzo Borsa Valori, Genova, Italy
9ème Biennale Art Media, Wroclaw, Poland

5ème biennale de Dakar, Dakar, Senegal
UC Berkeley & Pacific film archive, San Francisco, USA
Biennale Arte vidéo TV, Bologne, Italy
Blue stage, House of world cultures, Berlin, Germany
L'objet désorienté, Ateliers d'artistes de la ville de Marseille, Marseille, France
Auditorium, MAMAC, Nice, France
Society for cinema studies, Chicago, USA
0 familles, 10 artistes +si affinité, FIAC, Paris , France

L'objet désorienté, Musée des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, France
7ème Biennale Art Media, Wroclaw, Poland
Regards nomades, FRAC Franche-Comté - Musée des Beaux-Arts, Dole, France
Paris-Casa, suites marocaines, Couvent des Cordeliers, Paris, France
Un été marocain, Centre d'Art Contemporain, Castres, France
L'objet désorienté, Villa des Arts & Galerie 121, Casablanca, Morocco
Un automne marocain, Arteppes - Espace d'Art Contemporain, Annecy, France
Artistes Marocain, ARIAP - Atelier/Galerie, Lille, France
Monographics catalogs

180° Behind Me, SF Publishing, Paris
The Day of the Awakening, SF Publishing, Paris

The Missing Show: mounir fatmi, SF Publishing, Paris
It is still Nightfall, SF Publishing, Paris

Survival Signs, mounir fatmi, SF Publishing, Paris
mounir fatmi. Transition State, Vanilla Edizioni, Galleria Officine dell'Immagine, Milan

History is not mine, mounir fatmi, Marc Lenot, Emma Chubb, Studio Fatmi Publishing - Rencontres de Bamako

The Kissing Precise, Régis Durand, Editions La Muette - Au bord de l'eau, Brussels

Suspect Language, Lillian Davies, Editions Skira

Sans Histoire, Mounir Fatmi , Paul Ardenne, Musée National Picasso, Vallauris

Ghosting, Thierry Raspail, Barbara Polla, Lillian Davies, Michèle Cohen Hadria, Thomas Boutoux, Studio Fatmi Publishing
Megalopolis, Ali Akay, Edition AKBank Istanbul

Fuck the architect, Pierre-Olivier Rollin, Paul Ardenne, Evelyne Toussaint, Naomi Beckwith, Editions Lowave, Paris

Hard Head, Paul Ardenne & Evelyne Toussaint, Edition Rijksakademie, Amsterdam
Hard Head, DVD, Ariel Kyrou, Éditions Lowave, Paris

jusqu'au bout de la poussière, manifeste coma, Éditions Espace des Arts, Colomiers

mounir fatmi, Odile Biec, Evelyne Toussaint, Nicole Brenez, le parvis centre d'art contemporain, Ibos, centre d'art contemporain intercommunal, Istres
Écrans noirs, Bernadette Clot Goudard, Bank galerie, Shoshana Wayne Gallery, Revue semaine, Arles

Ovalprojet, Michèle Cohen Hadria & Frédéric Bouglé, centre culturel le chaplin, Mantes la Jolie

peintures et dessins, Abdallah Zrika, Galerie Nadar, Casablanca
À l'origine, with Bénédicte Chevallier, Goethe-Institut, Rabat
n°4, revue murale, Éditions casa factori, Marseille

fatmi, Roy Miles, Mohamed Choukri, Goethe-Institut, Rabat-Casablanca

free space, publication of postcards with Pedro Déniz, Tangier
LUXUS + - Art Basel Miami : découvrez le programme - 2022
LUXUS + - La Redaction
December 01, 2022
Voir le fichier
LE JOURNAL DES ARTS - Mounir Fatmi : How much is Enough - 2022
September 10, 2022
Voir le fichier
LE PETIT BULLETIN - Mounir Fatmi chez Ceysson & Bénétière - 2022
September 07, 2022
Voir le fichier
THE ART NEWSPAPER - Le Paris Gallery Weekend, antidote à la crise - 2020
THE ART NEWSPAPER - Alexandre Crochet
July 02, 2020
Voir le fichier
LE JOURNAL DES ARTS - Artindex - 2020
LE JOURNAL DES ARTS - Anne-Cécile Sanchez
April 27, 2020
Voir le fichier
LE QUOTIDIEN DE L’ART - Abu Dhabi : des musées, mais aussi du business - 2019
LE QUOTIDIEN DE L'ART - Christophe Rioux
November 26, 2019
Voir le fichier
LE JOURNAL DES ARTS - Les ready-dead de mounir fatmi - Henri-François Debailleux
LE JOURNAL DES ARTS - Henri-François Debailleux
June 11, 2019
Voir le fichier
CONNAISSANCE DES ARTS - Nouveau talent : Mounir Fatmi, le messager - Elisabeth Vedrenne - 2019
CONNAISSANCE DES ARTS - Elisabeth Védrenne
June 06, 2019
Voir le fichier
CONNAISSANCE DES ARTS - mounir fatmi le messager - Elisabeth Vedrenne - 2019
CONNAISSANCE DES ARTS - Elisabeth Védrenne
May 22, 2019
Voir le fichier
LE SOIR - Art Brussels, pour les amateurs de découvertes et de surprises - 2019
LE SOIR - Jean-Marie Wynants
April 26, 2019
Voir le fichier
LE CHAT PERCHÉ - This is my Body - 2018
November 05, 2018
Voir le fichier
TLMAG - Mounir Fatmi, Archives expérimentales - 2018
October 30, 2018
Voir le fichier
ART RADAR - 180° Behind Me”: Moroccan artist Mounir Fatmi’s linguistic games – in conversation - 2018
September 22, 2018
Voir le fichier
April 03, 2018
Voir le fichier
JEU DE LA PAUME - Performace - 2018
March 08, 2018
Voir le fichier
WALL STREET INTERNATIONAL ART - Mounir Fatmi 26 Oct 2017 - 7 Jan 2018 at the Officine dell’Immagine in Milan, Italy - 2017
September 22, 2017
Voir le fichier
September 13, 2017
Voir le fichier
WALL STREET INTERNATIONAL ART - Mounir Fatmi 7 Sep - 21 Oct 2017 at the Jane Lombard Gallery in New York, United States - 2017
September 12, 2017
Voir le fichier
AL BAYANE - Mounir Fatmi: de l’exil… aux chemins qui mènent à l’autre! - 2017
August 23, 2017
Voir le fichier
ARTTHROB - Shadows on the Moon: Mounir Fatmi's Fragmented Memory - 2017
June 13, 2017
Voir le fichier
mounir fatmi
mounir fatmi
September 30, 2022
mounir fatmi - The White Matter, Paris
mounir fatmi - The White Matter, Paris
May 16, 2019
June 27, 2017